Symfony2 and Ordering of Relations and Collection Form Fields

Recently I was working on a project where I kept finding myself ordering a relation over and over by other than something than ID order (ie id= 1,2,3,4,5). For example, I always wanted my relation to be ordered by the ‘name’ field, rather than the ID or order it was inserted into the DB. Let’s take this schema as an example:

The issue is each time I attempted:

I wanted the output to be in alphabetical order for example. To make this the default for that relation you can add the following annotation to your ‘Post’ entity:

Now if you do “$post->getPostAttachments()” they’ll be automatically in order. The ‘@ORM\OrderBy’ column takes care of the ordering automatically. You can specify as many columns on the relation as you’d like there. In addition, this will make it so that all form collections on post with post_attachments are also ordered by name, rather than ID. This affects the relation call every time. If you are only looking into having it some of the time, look into using the repository to do the ordering for those calls.

Symfony2: A Few Slideshares Worth Checking Out

Earlier this week, a buddy of mine reached out looking for interesting Symfony2 resources that went beyond the “basic” tutorial type content. He was looking to really get into the “nitty gritty” of the framework, how larger projects are using it, and hopefully understand some of the philosophy behind service oriented architectures, dependency injection, and behavior driven development.

Not wanting to leave him hanging, Daum and I took to Slideshare to compile a list of presentations that we thought demonstrated some of these concepts well. Anyway, here is the list we came up with.

How Kris Writes Symfony Apps
You’ve seen Kris’ open source libraries, but how does he tackle coding out an application? Walk through green fields with a Symfony expert as he takes his latest “next big thing” idea from the first line of code to a functional prototype. Learn design patterns and principles to guide your way in organizing your own code and take home some practical examples to kickstart your next project.

Practical BDD with Behat and Mink
An introduction into behavior-driven development with Behat and Mink. A Symfony2 application is used for examples.
This was presented in the Top Shelf PHP tutorial at OSCON 2011:
There were some issues converting from ODP, so a PDF version is here:

BDD in Symfony2
Quality assurance is one of the most difficult things to implement around software development. Most of time it is left for the final phase of development and very often overlooked entirely. As many experienced web development teams already know, QA needs to be part of the development process from the get-go. Behavior development/testing is just one aspect of quality assurance. And we’ll talk about that.

Being Dangerous with Twig
Twig – the PHP templating engine – is easy to use, friendly and extensible. This presentation will introduce you to Twig and show you how to extend it to your bidding.

OpenSky Infrastructure

Dependency Injection in PHP 5.3/5.4

If you have other presentations you think we should check out, leave them in the comments or shoot us a tweet @setfive.

Symfony2: YAML to expose a service inside SonataAdminBundle

The documentation for the SonataAdminBundle mentions how to expose services inside your Admin class using XML:

But unfortunately it doesn’t detail how to do it YAML. Turns out its pretty straightforward, the “gotcha” of course being you need to add the “@” to indicate a service:

Behat and Symfony2 – A Simple Gotcha

Recently we were using Behat on a new project with the Symfony2 extension. It took a bit to get it up and running correctly as the docs (for the extension setup) seem to be incorrect. First place the behat.yml directly in the project root. Second, when using the “@” notation to reference your bundle you need to be sure to enclose it in quotes. For example, ‘bin/behat –init “@MyBundle”‘. Without the quotes it will not be parsed correctly and will not setup the structure as you want.

If you are running into the following error:

Most likely the initial setup didn’t go correctly. We kept having that issue whenever we added the behat.yml to our root directory, but then didn’t use the quotes to enclose the @MyBundle. Hopefully this saves you the headache!

I’ve shot over a pull request to the main behat repo for the extension so it hopefully will be fixed soon:

Happy testing!

Symfony 1.4 partial model rebuilds

A couple of months ago we started building out a Symfony 1.4 project for a client that involved allowing a “super admin” to add Doctrine models and columns at runtime. I know, I know, crazy/terrible/stupid idea but it mapped so well in to the problem space that we decided that a little “grossness” to benefit the readability of the rest of the project was worth it. Since users were adding models and columns at runtime we had to subsequently perform model rebuilds as things were added. Things worked fine for awhile, but eventually there were so many tables and columns that a single model rebuild was taking ~1.5 minutes on an EC2 large.

Initially, we decided to move the rebuild to a background cron process but even that began to take a prohibitively long time and made load balancing the app impossible. Then I started wondering is it possible to partially rebuild a Doctrine model for only the pieces that have changed?

Turns out it is possible. Looking at sfDoctrineBuildModelTask it looked like you could reasonably just copy the execute() method out and update a few lines.

Then, the next piece was just building the forms for the corresponding models. Again, looking at sfDoctrineBuildFormsTask it looked like it would be possible to extract and update the execute() method.

Anyway, without further ado here is the class I whipped up:

Using it is pretty straightforward, just call FastModelRebuild::doRebuild( array(“sfGuardUser”, “sfGuardUserProfile”) ); and thats it!

Anyway, fair warning I’d only do something like this if you “Know what you are doing” ™

As always, questions and comments are welcome.