<?php |
class FastModelRebuild { |
// Just return some standard Symfony configs |
private static function getConfig(){ |
return array( |
"data_fixtures_path" => array( sfConfig::get("sf_data_dir") . "/fixtures" ), |
"models_path" => sfConfig::get("sf_lib_dir") . "/model/doctrine", |
"migrations_path" => sfConfig::get("sf_lib_dir") . "/migration/doctrine", |
"sql_path" => sfConfig::get("sf_data_dir") . "/sql", |
"yaml_schema_path" => sfConfig::get("sf_config_dir") . "/doctrine" |
); |
} |
/* |
* This is the main function. Just pass in an array of names of models to rebuild. |
*/ |
public static function doRebuild( $modelArray ){ |
// Grab the schema file and convert it to an array |
$schemaYAML = sfYaml::load( sfConfig::get("sf_config_dir") . "/doctrine/schema.yml" ); |
$tempYAML = array(); |
// Pull out only the models that need to get rebuilt |
foreach( $modelArray as $key ){ |
$tempYAML[ $key ] = $schemaYAML[ $key ]; |
} |
// Create a temporary file for the partial schema |
// For some reason it needs a ".yml" extension (don't know why) |
$schema = tempnam( sys_get_temp_dir() , "sf" ) . ".yml"; |
file_put_contents( $schema, sfYaml::dump($tempYAML, 10) ); |
self::doModelRebuild( $schema ); |
sfAutoload::getInstance()->reloadClasses(true); |
self::doFormRebuild( $schema ); |
unlink( $schema ); |
// Clear the cache to reset the autoloader |
exec( "/usr/bin/php " . sfConfig::get("sf_root_dir") . "/symfony cc --app=frontend" ); |
} |
private static function doFormRebuild( $schema ){ |
$config = sfContext::getInstance()->getConfiguration(); |
$config->fastRebuildSchema = $schema; |
$databaseManager = new sfDatabaseManager( $config ); |
$generatorManager = new sfGeneratorManager( $config ); |
$generatorManager->generate("sfDoctrineFormGeneratorFast", array( |
'model_dir_name' => "model", |
'form_dir_name' => "form", |
)); |
$properties = parse_ini_file(sfConfig::get('sf_config_dir').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'properties.ini', true); |
$constants = array( |
'PROJECT_NAME' => isset($properties['symfony']['name']) ? $properties['symfony']['name'] : 'symfony', |
'AUTHOR_NAME' => isset($properties['symfony']['author']) ? $properties['symfony']['author'] : 'Your name here' |
); |
// customize php and yml files |
$finder = sfFinder::type('file')->name('*.php'); |
$filesystem = new sfFilesystem(); |
$filesystem->replaceTokens($finder->in(sfConfig::get('sf_lib_dir').'/form/'), '##', '##', $constants); |
} |
private static function doModelRebuild( $schema ){ |
$config = self::getConfig(); |
$builderOptions = sfContext::getInstance()->getConfiguration()->getPluginConfiguration('sfDoctrinePlugin')->getModelBuilderOptions(); |
$stubFinder = sfFinder::type('file')->prune('base')->name('*'.$builderOptions['suffix']); |
$before = $stubFinder->in($config['models_path']); |
$import = new Doctrine_Import_Schema(); |
$import->setOptions($builderOptions); |
$import->importSchema($schema, 'yml', $config['models_path']); |
// markup base classes with magic methods |
foreach (sfYaml::load($schema) as $model => $definition) |
{ |
$file = sprintf('%s%s/%s/Base%s%s', $config['models_path'], isset($definition['package']) ? '/'.substr($definition['package'], 0, strpos($definition['package'], '.')) : '', $builderOptions['baseClassesDirectory'], $model, $builderOptions['suffix']); |
$code = file_get_contents($file); |
// introspect the model without loading the class |
if (preg_match_all('/@property (\w+) \$(\w+)/', $code, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) |
{ |
$properties = array(); |
foreach ($matches as $match) |
{ |
$properties[$match[2]] = $match[1]; |
} |
$typePad = max(array_map('strlen', array_merge(array_values($properties), array($model)))); |
$namePad = max(array_map('strlen', array_keys(array_map(array('sfInflector', 'camelize'), $properties)))); |
$setters = array(); |
$getters = array(); |
foreach ($properties as $name => $type) |
{ |
$camelized = sfInflector::camelize($name); |
$collection = 'Doctrine_Collection' == $type; |
$getters[] = sprintf('@method %-'.$typePad.'s %s%-'.($namePad + 2).'s Returns the current record\'s "%s" %s', $type, 'get', $camelized.'()', $name, $collection ? 'collection' : 'value'); |
$setters[] = sprintf('@method %-'.$typePad.'s %s%-'.($namePad + 2).'s Sets the current record\'s "%s" %s', $model, 'set', $camelized.'()', $name, $collection ? 'collection' : 'value'); |
} |
// use the last match as a search string |
$code = str_replace($match[0], $match[0].PHP_EOL.' * '.PHP_EOL.' * '.implode(PHP_EOL.' * ', array_merge($getters, $setters)), $code); |
file_put_contents($file, $code); |
} |
} |
$properties = parse_ini_file(sfConfig::get('sf_config_dir').'/properties.ini', true); |
$tokens = array( |
'##PACKAGE##' => isset($properties['symfony']['name']) ? $properties['symfony']['name'] : 'symfony', |
'##SUBPACKAGE##' => 'model', |
'##NAME##' => isset($properties['symfony']['author']) ? $properties['symfony']['author'] : 'Your name here', |
' <##EMAIL##>' => '', |
"{\n\n}" => "{\n}\n", |
); |
// cleanup new stub classes |
$after = $stubFinder->in($config['models_path']); |
$filesystem = new sfFilesystem(); |
$filesystem->replaceTokens(array_diff($after, $before), '', '', $tokens); |
// cleanup base classes |
$baseFinder = sfFinder::type('file')->name('Base*'.$builderOptions['suffix']); |
$baseDirFinder = sfFinder::type('dir')->name('base'); |
$filesystem->replaceTokens($baseFinder->in($baseDirFinder->in($config['models_path'])), '', '', $tokens); |
} |
} |