Net Neutrality: A recap and some cliffnotes

Net Neutrality has been all over the news lately and I’ve been fielding a couple of questions related to it. At Setfive, we think it’s a critically important issue, both to startups and the technology infrastructure of the United States as a whole. Because of that, we decided to pull together an overview, some history, and key outcomes surrounding the Net Neutrality debate. As always, questions or comments welcome!

What is Net Neutrality?
First coined by Columbia Law professor Tim Wu, network neutrality, or net neutrality for short, states that internet service providers (such as Verizon and Comcast) and governments should provide you with access to content and data regardless of where it came from equally. Internet service providers (ISPs) are not allowed to discriminate and slow speeds for one company in favor of its competitor.

Essentially, net neutrality maintains a free, open, and fair internet.

The Lead Up To January 14, 2014

  • In 2002, the FCC had the opportunity to regulate ISPs as it had done for the phone companies. Ultimately though, the FCC chose not to at all citing that ISPs are “information services”, completely different than the telecommunication services phone companies provide.
  • However a few years later, the FCC began to notice the enormous power and strength that ISPs had accumulated over the years. In an attempt to curb and regulate them, the FCC created the Open Internet Rules in 2010

The Open Internet Rules established:

  • Enforced transparency of ISPs operations and management of their networks
  • Prohibited ISPs from obstructing access to legal content and applications
  • Maintained an equal and fair playing field online by preventing ISPs from giving preference to one company over another. Essentially becoming the core of net neutrality

In response to these rules, Verizon brought the FCC to court in 2013 on the charge that the agency had no authority to use the Open Internet rules to regulate ISPs.

Fast forward to January 14, 2014

  • On this day, a DC circuit court determined in the Verizon Communications Inc. vs FCC case that portions of the Open Internet Rules especially the ones pertaining to an equal and fair internet could not be applied to ISPs.
  • The reasoning was that portions of the rules apply only to common carriers, which provide telecommunication services. But since ISPs are classified by the FCC as providers of information services, they’re not considered under the law as common carriers.

What does this ruling mean?
It eliminated the only existing rules protecting net neutrality. As a result, ISPs can now:

  • Charge companies fees for “premium” access to their consumers. Think Verizon charging Netflix to stream to their customers at better rates.
  • Selectively prioritize one source of traffic over another. Think Comcast prioritizing delivering its Xfinity onDemand service over HBO Go.
  • And of course, create “slow lanes” and “fast lanes” paving the way to charging for ala carte Internet packages, just like TV. Imagine seeing errors like: “Sorry! You need to subscribe to the ‘social package’ to access this site.”

What’s the president’s stance on all this?
He’s pro net neutrality and has urged the FCC to establish strong rules that would protect it. However since the FCC is an independent government agency, Obama has no direct influence. Additionally, in a bitterly divided congress some hardline Republicans are taking an anti-Net Neutrality stance to pander to their base. See The Oatmeal on Ted Cruz.

What’s next?
The FCC does have the power to reclassify ISPs as telecommunication service providers and thus subject them to the Open Internet Rules. What it decided to do instead is to create a new net neutrality framework that would hold up in court while at the same time satisfy both sides.

Right now, everyone is in a holding pattern waiting for the FCC to make a final announcement.

Friday Links: Apple Pay, SaaS, and Net Neutraility

Welcome to the weekend! We’ve rounded up some interesting reading to carry you through the till Monday. Fire up your iPad, grab some cider, and snuggle up with a blanket:

Boston: Who’s hiring PHP developers?

Last week, I was catching up with some friends when one of them asked an interesting question – Which Boston area companies are currently hiring PHP developers? Surprisingly, I didn’t really have a good answer so I decided to find out. To figure this out, I searched job posts that were specifically looking for PHP developers and started pulling together a spreadsheet about the posts. As I was looking at the data, I decided to put together a graphic which is available below along with the list of companies. As always, questions or comments welcome!

Company City Company City
Acquia Burlington ADTRAN Burlington
ADTRAN Burlington Allen & Gerritsen Boston
Allen & Gerritsen Boston Applause Framingham
Applause Framingham Arbor Networks Burlington
Arbor Networks Burlington Berklee College Of Music Boston
Berklee College Of Music Boston Biogen Idec Cambridge
Biogen Idec Cambridge Black Duck Software Burlington
Black Duck Software Burlington Blue State Digital Boston
Blue State Digital Boston Brafton Inc. Boston
Brafton Inc. Boston Brigham And Women’s Hospital Wellesley
Brigham And Women’s Hospital Wellesley Brightcove Boston
Brightcove Boston Catalina Marketing Boston
Catalina Marketing Boston Comsol Burlington
Comsol Burlington Constant Contact Waltham
Constant Contact Waltham ContentLEAD Boston
ContentLEAD Boston D50 Media Wellesley
D50 Media Wellesley Demandware Burlington
Demandware Burlington Desire2Learn (D2L) Boston
Desire2Learn (D2L) Boston Dew Softech (contract Position) Boston
Dew Softech (contract Position) Boston Digital Bungalow Salem
Digital Bungalow Salem Dynatrace Waltham
Dynatrace Waltham Egenerationmarketing Boston
Egenerationmarketing Boston FASTHockey Boston
FASTHockey Boston Flipkey, Inc. Boston
Flipkey, Inc. Boston Genscape, Inc. Boston
Genscape, Inc. Boston Harvard Medical School Boston
Harvard Medical School Boston Harvard School Of Public Health Boston
Harvard School Of Public Health Boston Hill Holliday Boston
Hill Holliday Boston Hubspot, Inc. Cambridge
Hubspot, Inc. Cambridge Integrated Computer Solutions Bedford
Integrated Computer Solutions Bedford Intersystems Cambridge
Intersystems Cambridge Mediamath Cambridge
Mediamath Cambridge Medtouch Cambridge
Medtouch Cambridge MIT Cambridge
MIT Cambridge Modo Labs Cambridge
Modo Labs Cambridge Motus (crs) Boston
Motus (crs) Boston Namemedia Waltham
Namemedia Waltham Nanigans Boston
Nanigans Boston Northeastern University Boston
Northeastern University Boston Northpoint Digital Boston
Northpoint Digital Boston Nutraclick Boston
Nutraclick Boston Pegasystems Cambridge
Pegasystems Cambridge Placester Boston
Placester Boston Polar Design Woburn
Polar Design Woburn Sevone, Inc. Boston
Sevone, Inc. Boston Silversky Boston
Silversky Boston Boston Boston Source Of Future Technology, Inc. Cambridge
Source Of Future Technology, Inc. Cambridge Studypoint Boston
Studypoint Boston Surfmerchants LLC Boston
Surfmerchants LLC Boston Tatto Media Boston
Tatto Media Boston Tufts University Boston
Tufts University Boston Umass Boston Boston
Umass Boston Boston Unitrends Burlington
Unitrends Burlington Wayfair Boston
Wayfair Boston Zipcar Boston

Friday Links: Fitness^3

It’s been a long week but you’ve made it, it’s Friday! Nothing goes better with Fridays than a couple of fresh links for your ride home and of course a cold beer. We can’t help you with that beer but we’ve got you covered on those links. A slew of new wearable health products were released this week and here they are:

Planning on picking up a fitness tracker? Let us know in the comments!

Symfony2: Outputting form checkboxes in a hierarchy

Recently when I was working on a client project we had a bunch of permissions which had a hierarchy (or tree structure). For example, you needed Permission 1 to have Permission 1a and Permission 1b. In the examples below lets assume `$choices` is equal to the following:

At first, I used the built in in optgroups of a the select box to output the form, so it was clear what permissions fell where. My form would look similar to:

Multiple select boxes aren’t the easiest to work with as we all know. Also, it isn’t as easy to visually see the difference as the height of the select box could not be long enough to show you what an optgroup’s title is. Instead, I decided to use the checkbox approach. Issue with this, the current Symfony2 form themes don’t output checkboxes in groups or with any visual indication of the hierarchy. I ended up creating my own custom field type so I could customize the way it renders globally via the form themeing. My custom type just always set the choice options to expanded and multiple as true. For the actual rendering, below is what I ended up with.

The above is assuming you are using bootstrap to render your forms as it has those classes. My listless class just sets the ul list style to none. The code should be fairly easy to follow, basically it goes through and any sub-array (an optgroup) it will nest in the list from the previous option. This method does assume that you have the ‘parent’ node before the nested array. I also in the bottom have some javascript that basically makes sure that you can’t check off a sub-group if the parent is not checked. When you first check the parent, it selects all the children. For the example I just put the javascript in there, it uses and id attribute, so you can only have one of these per page. If you were using this globally, I’d recommend tagging the UL with a data attribute and moving the javascript into a global JS file.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here is an example of what it looks like working:


Let me know if you have any questions! Happy Friday.