Symfony2: Outputting form checkboxes in a hierarchy

Recently when I was working on a client project we had a bunch of permissions which had a hierarchy (or tree structure). For example, you needed Permission 1 to have Permission 1a and Permission 1b. In the examples below lets assume `$choices` is equal to the following:

At first, I used the built in in optgroups of a the select box to output the form, so it was clear what permissions fell where. My form would look similar to:

Multiple select boxes aren’t the easiest to work with as we all know. Also, it isn’t as easy to visually see the difference as the height of the select box could not be long enough to show you what an optgroup’s title is. Instead, I decided to use the checkbox approach. Issue with this, the current Symfony2 form themes don’t output checkboxes in groups or with any visual indication of the hierarchy. I ended up creating my own custom field type so I could customize the way it renders globally via the form themeing. My custom type just always set the choice options to expanded and multiple as true. For the actual rendering, below is what I ended up with.

The above is assuming you are using bootstrap to render your forms as it has those classes. My listless class just sets the ul list style to none. The code should be fairly easy to follow, basically it goes through and any sub-array (an optgroup) it will nest in the list from the previous option. This method does assume that you have the ‘parent’ node before the nested array. I also in the bottom have some javascript that basically makes sure that you can’t check off a sub-group if the parent is not checked. When you first check the parent, it selects all the children. For the example I just put the javascript in there, it uses and id attribute, so you can only have one of these per page. If you were using this globally, I’d recommend tagging the UL with a data attribute and moving the javascript into a global JS file.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here is an example of what it looks like working:


Let me know if you have any questions! Happy Friday.

PHP: Faking “typecasting” with reflection

As far as type systems go, PHPs is pretty schizophrenic. You’ve got primitive types, like strings and booleans, the ubiquitous “array” type, and then user defined classes. Most of the time, the type system is invisible since it barely enforces anything. Especially for basic types and the standard library, you can almost always use strings, booleans, and integers interchangeably without much complaining from the interpreter. Where things go sideways is when you start using user defined types, especially with type hinting.

Imagine we’ve got the following setup:

If you run that in a terminal, PHP will throw the following error:

PHP Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to sayHello() must be an instance of Dog, instance of Pet given, called in /home/ashish/Downloads/dog.php on line 19 and defined in /home/ashish/Downloads/dog.php on line 14

Because even though every “Dog” is by definition a superset of the “Pet” class, PHP doesn’t see it that way. And now, our original problem. In most other object oriented languages, you’d be able to simply typecast the instance of Pet to a Dog and then call the function as expected. Unfortunately, PHP doesn’t natively support typecasting so we’re stuck looking for a crazy workaround. Enter Reflection. PHPs reflection library lets you do all sorts of nefarious things, like manipulating private properties and retrieving the source for an arbitrary object.

So how do you use it to do a bootleg typecast? It’s actually pretty straightforward:

The “copyShimmedObject” is the money maker. It basically pulls the private properties out of the “from”, makes the property public, and then sets them on the “to” object. If you run the sample you’ll get the expected output instead of the error above:

Hello: Fluffy of destroyer of worlds

SQL: 5 Tips and tricks to impress your DBA friends

I was poking around the ThoughtBot blog a couple of days ago and ran across a post titled Refactoring Ruby Iteration Patterns to the Database. At a high level, the post was summarizing how you can take an ActiveRecord aggregation (a sum in this case) and run it in directly in your RDMS with SQL. Not really rocket science, but it was a keen reminder of how ORMs often mask over much of the power of “regular” SQL. This isn’t a specific criticism of ActiveRecord, it’s an issue with every ORM from Doctrine to Hybernate.

We’ve actually been writing some straight SQL lately, mostly for analytics work, so I had the team shoot over their favorite “maybe hidden” SQL feature. Since life is better with examples, the sample use cases and queries are written against a schema describing the “items” found on a “receipt” which are optionally related to a “category”. The SQL to create the schema is:

Note: SQLFiddle is unfortunately down right now or I’d add this as a fiddle. Anyway, if you have the schema setup feel free to run the queries as you go down the list.

Order rows by fixed ordering of a column

At some point, you might find yourself needing to sort a list of rows by a column in an arbitrarily enforced order. For example, say on our item table, you needed to sort the rows by the “quadrant” column such that WE was first, followed by AX, and finally BT.

Turns out, it’s possible to specify an arbitrary ordering using the ORDER BY FIELD statement:

Check that a LEFT JOIN relation exists

If you’re only running JOINs on columns with foreign key relations this isn’t an issue, but what happens if you need to run a JOIN where a FK doesn’t necessarily exist? In our example, lets say you wanted to select only the items which had a corresponding row in the “receipt” table.

The most straightforward way to accomplish this is generally to check that the JOIN’ed column on the related table isn’t NULL:

Assign an aggregate value to a variable and re-use

One of the SQL features that’s usually glossed over or ignored in web development is the ability to create variables and then reuse them in subsequent statements. With this schema, an example would be calculating the “% of total spend” for the individual items – most people would run one query to generate the total and then a separate query to calculate the % of spend. For something trivial like this it doesn’t matter but if you were involving complex WHERE predicates it could be a nice performance boost.

The syntax for variables is relatively easy and it’s actually a powerful concept:

Add synthetic “pseudo” columns using variables

This one is a Matt Daum favorite and pretty handy. Looking at the example, say that you wanted to assign a “sequence” value to each item depending on their rank order based on “total” within their “category_id”. In plain English, for each “category_id” you want to assign the most expensive item a “1”, the second most a “2”, and so on.

This seems straightforward, but try and construct a result set using only a GROUP BY or some combination of sub queries, I’ll wait. Turns out, the easiest way to accomplish this is to use variables to construct a “pseudo” column that increments and resets when the category changes.

Select only GROUP’ed rows that fulfill a second clause

Sorry for the terrible description, an example will make it clearer. Given our schema, lets say you wanted to select *only* the most expensive items per category, how could you set about doing it? The obvious approach would be using some combination of GROUP BY and MAX but unfortunately because of the semantics of GROUP BY that wont work as expected.

A better approach, is to leverage an INNER JOIN along with MAX() to only select the rows that match the max total per category:

The caveat here is that you’re really selecting the highest total, so if two rows have the same total you’re not guaranteed which one you’ll end up with. This approach also scales out, in the sense that you can add additional INNER JOINs to limit the resultset in situations where you’re getting tripped up by GROUP BYs and ORDER BYs.

Anyway, as always, we’d love to hear your favorite tips and tricks in the comments!

Drupal 7 body content going blank? An obscure PCRE configuration setting may be the culprit.

Recently, one of our clients noticed that when they added additional text to the body field of a node with a bunch of existing content the changes would appear to save on the back-end edit screen but the body content of the page disappears on the front end without a trace and with no errors. At first, we thought it was a character or word count restriction that was placed on the body field or that a text-format filter/html combination was throwing things off. After checking a bunch of settings on the admin screen and testing different combinations of words, characters and text-format filters we came up empty handed.

Turns out it was an obscure setting within sites/default/settings.php. If you open this file and search for ‘pcre.backtrack_limit’ you’ll find a surprisingly accurate description of the problem at hand:

* If you encounter a situation where users post a large amount of text, and
* the result is stripped out upon viewing but can still be edited, Drupal’s
* output filter may not have sufficient memory to process it. If you
* experience this issue, you may wish to uncomment the following two lines
* and increase the limits of these variables. For more information, see

# ini_set(‘pcre.backtrack_limit’, 200000);
# ini_set(‘pcre.recursion_limit’, 200000);

So once you comment these out and increase the limits you’ll find that the body content reappears on the front end.
Since everyone’s server setup is different, you’ll have to experiment with what values work best for you. Here’s a link to the manual for this configuration setting:

Hope this saves you some time and frustration!

SQL Join Checker, Making Sure Your Joins Are Right

Recently on a project we came across the need to generate a bunch of different reports from the database.  Due to different requirements we weren’t able to use the ORM (Doctrine2 on the specific project), so we wrote the queries by hand.  As we continued to build the different reports we noticed sometimes we’d typo a join, for example join something on `id` versus `user_id`.  These small typos would cause the reports to still run fine, however have the incorrect data, often it was difficult to pinpoint the exact issue in the given report, as only certain conditions could reproduce the results.  After a while Ashish said it’d be great if we had some sort of sanity checker to make sure the queries we were writing were going across the proper joins.  To me, this was:



At first I thought about just using Regular Expressions to parse out the join parts of the SQL queries.  However, I found which appears to do the job.  I downloaded it and wrote a class which uses it and some expressions to discover FK’s in the database.  I ended up with something which, albeit not the most elegant, gets the job done.  Here is an example output of it:

Basically it will run through whatever query you give it, and make sure that the columns you are joining on are defined in the DB. If you are trying to join on a column that is defined as a constraint, it will output the part of the join that failed the check as well as what FK’s currently do exist. Another issue this may help with, is if your database is missing a constraint (FK) that should be defined it will point it out.

I wrote this really quickly, so let me know (or make a pull request) if you find any bugs. I’ve put the code up on Github. Let me know if it helps out!