Artificial artificial intelligence – our experience with Mechanical Turk

So Amazon Web Services (AWS) has a pretty neat service called the Mechanical Turk. The name of the service is inspired by this story where a human was hidden inside a chess playing “robot” which impressed crowds during the late 18th century. Amazon’s service doesn’t hide the fact that its powered by humans but the end result is the same – humans performing tasks in lieu of a computer.
The task we needed “turked” was the transcription of various text labels that were on top of overlays on a particular large image. The goal of all of this was a Google Maps product so we all ready had the overlays loaded into a Google Maps UI.  To recap:

  • We had a Google Maps application which loaded an image layer with about 3000 discrete overlays.
  • We had lat/lng coordinates for all of these overlays.
  • Each of these images had a text label that uniquely described it.
  • We wanted the Turks to transcribe these labels.

Next, we began to investigate how the Mechanical Turk service actually works. The process is delightfully simple. The idea is to break the tasks out into discrete and reproducible actions called human intelligence tasks (HITs). This pattern aligned well with our problem because all of the overlays were independent and we had coordinates for each of them. Amazon displays each of these HITs inside a template that the “requester” constructs.

The templates are HTML pages (Amazon allows javascript) which plug-in variables for each HIT when the tasks go live. They also capture the data that you want to save from the task – in our case the labels. Designing templates is pretty straightforward and javascript is a nice touch.

For our task, we embeded Google Maps with our image overlaid and used HIT variables to display 3 markers per task. This is where we hit our first and only snag. Because of directory restrictions on Google Maps API keys our HIT template kept generating javascript errors because it was being executed on un-predictable domain names. We didn’t think this was a huge deal so we plowed ahead as planned.
We ran the first set of HITs with a 2 cent/HIT payment and a minimum approval rating of 95%.

The results were less than stellar – within an hour or so we received this email:

A strange error message pops up for your/these HITS.
“The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You can generate a new key for this web site at”
Also, the mouseover that displays at screen bottom is “javascript: void (0)”…and no label appears below the marker either.  I do NOT have any javascript blockers operational, so no problem there.
Also, I would appreciate it if you NOT deny me credit for this HIT, as the technical error message was not my fault and not explained or warned in the instructions.
I would like to do several, possibly many of these HITS, if you can tell me what to do to overcome this problem.

People were obviously not getting the instructions and were scared away by the JS error and fear of HIT rejection. One of the problems with the service is that you can’t modify your HIT template once a set has been published. You have to cancel the batch and re-start after your edits. At this point, we decided to cancel the run and modify the instructions. With the new instructions people seemed to “get it” and were generally more willing to forgive the JS error.

At the end of the run, the accuracy of the Turks was around 90% or so on transcribing the labels. We got about 25 man hours of work accomplished in about 42 hours of actual time at a cost of about $25. All told we were really impressed with the service as well as the Turks themselves. We definitely recommend the service for any discrete and repeatable tasks.

Things we learned:

  • Be EXTREMELY clear in your instructions – try to be as un-ambiguity as possible.
  • The Turks live and die by their approval rating so be nice (we just accepted every task).
  • Unexpected popups and JavaScript errors probably scare people away so try to avoid them.
  • Obviously higher reward rates are going to attract more Turks – something to take into account.

We’ve also recently become fascinated by other things that could be played out or experimented with the Turks. Notably it seems like an ideal venue to experiment with some game theory topics.

Timelapse Twitter+Election map

This is an update to our Twitter+Election ’08 mashup that was over at Setfive Election HQ

Well as everyone saw last Tuesday night, Obama won the election by a pretty significant margin and has all ready taken steps to announce his transition agenda.

Anyway, at the end of our run, we captured 11021 tweets with the breakdown being 2501 for McCain and 8520 for Obama. Since we had been generating maps all day we decided to take snapshots at 5 minute intervals so that we could watch the progression of the map. The timelapse map is embedded below:

We hope everyone had a good election experiance – we had a lot of fun building this mashup. Now to find the next big thing…

dv madness – Holy Shit Batman!

So a few days ago Daum and I decided to try and “hackathon” our way through one of our symfony projects.

We were developing on our (mt) gs server which is usually a stable box (until Mediatemple’s whole cluster goes down). Things were going fine until our Symfony controller started to hang and not serve any requests. The gs machine is a shared box so we couldn’t do anything invasive to try and diagnose our problems.

We opened a support ticket and then I tried switching the enviroment off “dev” to “test”, things got better for awhile and then promptly began crashing again. The hackathon was looking more like a crashathon so we decided to try and switch development over to our (mt) dv machine.

To try and salvage the day, we used the DNS rollover delay to discuss our living situation Anyway, so we finally had the new DNS set up and the symfony project migrated over to the dv. And this is where the chaos began.

So first problem, everything we symlinked to “httpdocs” return 403 FORBIDEN errors. We figured it must be the symlinks right? We checked httpd.conf and everything was fine. Daum was getting antsy so finally called (mt) support who informed us that they would open a ticket and get back to us. We tried everything we could think of, symlinks in httpdocs, symlinking to httpdocs, symlinks inside the directory. Symlinks were only working for targets INSIDE httpdocs…

After this fracas, Daum stumbled across a KB ticket that described how to configure specific vhosts on a dv. It turns out PLESK places additional httpd.conf files inside the new vhost directory!?

Ok fine, so we edited up the Plesk http conf to enable our symlinks and mess with the directory structure a bit. Now Symfony was vomitting on require() failing – great. Back to httpd.conf and it turns out Plesk enabled Open_Base_Dir restrictions for php inside the vhost to restrict it to only files inside the document root…

WOW – so after something like 3 hours of yelling at support and messing around we finally transitioned a project from our gs machine to our dv. Things learned:

1. You can’t have a local PEAR install of Propel and Symfony with a different version of Propel

2. On dv servers Plesk installs custom http.conf files PER vhost that customizes Apache and PHP behavior – none of these settings are editable from within Plesk.

3. Moving DNS records within Mediatemple takes time – switching the domain from the gs to dv took at least an hour.

More BOSS!

So I had some time (not really Daum just couldn’t get me to do any real work) so I wrote up a thin wrapper around Yahoo BOSS.

The code is available here

I mashed it into the where/what/when thing and made a swag front end ;)

The only search class implimented is the web one. I’ll probably try and do news/image later this weekend. I also haven’t tested ANY of the features so it’s very possible nothing works.