Javascript: Hijacking document.form.submit()

Earlier this week, I was helping a client of ours interface with a 3rd party widget on a site they work with. What the widget basically does is allow the user to input some information which is then POST’ed to another 3rd party site.

What our clients were looking to do was capture the information in the form before it was submitted, process it before the user left the page, and set any cookies on the user if necessary. Simple enough right? Use jQuery to trap the form’s submit event, do the processing dance, and then allow the form to submit normally.

So I implemented the code as described but for some reason the jQuery submit() handler was never being triggered. Perplexed, I looked through the actual widget code and it turns out that the widget was using a <a> tag with an onclick handler which eventually called document.someForm.submit(). Turns out, the jQuery submit() handler won’t trigger when a form is submitted in this fashion.

Thankfully, it’s relatively straightforward to get around this. You just need to override the form element’s submit() function with one of your own and then eventually call the original function once you’re done.

Well thats about it – As always, questions and comments welcome.

Visualizing the Startup Institute Spring ’13 Class

Last week, we got our hands on the class list for the Spring ’13 Startup Institute class. I had some time to burn so I decided to throw together a visualization using the names and email addresses of the members of the class. You can check it out at

How it works

Basically, the visualization represents every student with a 3×3 color grid by using various attributes of their names and email addresses. The various squares are calculated with the following formulas:

  • Top left: Calculated by taking the first letter of the first name (say C) and then converting it to a % for how far down the alphabet the letter is. So C would come out to 3 / 25 = 12% Then, this percentage value is applied to the “lightness” component of a HSL color tuple for “hsl(40,100%,92%)”
  • Top middle: Calculated by taking the length of the first name and then calculating a % for how long it is compared to the other names in the list. So basically, it finds the length of the longest name and then divides the current student’s name by that value for a %. The % is then used in the lightness component of “hsl(340,100%,73%)”
  • Top right: A color generated using the metaphone of the first name. The metaphone is generated, then split up into 3 pieces, and then the ASCII values of those 3 components are summed. Then, the 3 parts are mapped to HSL values depending on the % maximum they are for the entire sample size.
  • The second row is identical to the first except using the last name.
  • Bottom left: Calculated depending on the “track” that the user is in.
  • Bottom middle and right: These use the same metaphone algorithm except using the email address and email domain name respectively.

Technically, the squares are drawn using the d3 library and the page layout is done with Bootstrap.

Anyway, as always comments and feedback are welcome.

Javascript: Using Bootstrap tooltips with jQuery UI’s slider

Earlier today, I was adding a “slider” UI element to a project that was using Twitter Bootstrap as well as jQuery UI. Although they weren’t designed to work together, the two projects generally stay out of each other’s way since their CSS classes are namespaced pretty well.

Since jQuery UI was already loaded I naturally decided to just use the jQuery UI slider control to power the slider. One of the limitations with the jQuery UI slider is that it has no native way to show the current slider value over the slider handle, as a developer you have to display that number somewhere. Fortunately, the control has the event hooks neccesary to make this happen – specifically the slide event which is triggered everytime the slider is moved.

With Bootstrap also loaded, I decided to try and use the tooltip plugin to dynamically display the current value of the slider above the handle. Getting the initual tooltip setup was pretty straightforward. Check it out here.

But the issue is that even with the “slide” event, the Bootstrap tooltip plugin has no exposed method to force a reposition. The only way to get a tooltip to reposition itself is to hide it and then show it again. Obviously, that’s less than ideal since you get a noticible “jump” as the tooltip is hid and then shown again.

With this issue in mind, I decided to take a look at how the Tooltip plugin actually does the positioning. It turns out it’s really simple, the relevant code is on GitHub. Ok, so its easy to reposition them but how do you get the “right” tooltip div incase you have multiple sliders? Looking through the code, the Tooltip plugin actually uses the function to store config options and additionally stores a reference to the correct div there. Getting a handle to the correct div is as easy as $(“#slider .ui-slider-handle:first”).data(“tooltip”).$tip

Looking at the actual plugin code, it’s simple enough to just copy that out and use it to reposition the tooltips. Check it out in action at

Anyway, let me know if you run into any issues in the comments.

BackboneJS: JSON over REST

We’ve recently started using BackboneJS on a couple of projects to help create more responsive UIs and avoid having to deal with a tangled mess of jQuery callbacks, ad-hoc Javascript templating, and difficult code re-use. On the whole, I’ve been impressed with Backbone and I think it’ll make a valuable asset in our toolbox.

Anyway, one of the core concepts of Backbone is that client side models will be automatically synced with their server side counterparts via RESTful AJAX calls. Stripping away the buzzword bingo, what that means is that when a Backbone model is created in the UI a AJAX POST request is initiated to create that model, updates trigger a PUT, and destroying a model will cause a DELETE.

Conceptually, this system makes a lot of sense and it fits nicely with how data is structured in most apps. Unfortunately, it falls apart when there isn’t a one to one correspondence between frontend Backbone models and your backend persistence layer.

For example, say on the frontend you wanted to allow a user to enter and edit the various languages she spoke. Naturally, you could define a Backbone “Language” model, managed by a “LanguageList” Collection, and finally drawn with a “LanguageView” View. This would work great but unfortunately on the backend you’re storing the list of languages the user speaks in a single row – say as a CSV list for arguments sake. At this point, you’d be stuck because Backbone would be pushing AJAX requests per model and your backend would have no way to combine the languages into a CSV list.

In this instance it seems like you really want “JSON over REST”, in the sense that you want to push update events for several models on a single request. The Backbone FAQ mentions this technique but unfortunately doesn’t elaborate on specifically how to achieve this behavior.

Batch operations on Models are common, but often best handled differently depending on your server-side setup. Some folks don’t mind making individual Ajax requests. Others create explicit resources for RESTful batch operations: /notes/batch/destroy?ids=1,2,3,4. Others tunnel REST over JSON, with the creation of “changeset” requests:

Google’ing around I stumbled across this StackOverflow answer – which seems to have been removed. The answer basically suggested embedding a Collection within a Model so that Backbone effectively passed a JSON array to your REST endpoint.

Unfortunately, the answer didn’t provide a concrete example either so here is a stripped down version of what I ended up using.

Basically, “Language” is the “real” model which is managed by the “LanguageList” collection. Then, “LanguageCollection” is the container model which holds a single “LanguageList” collection and is subsequently managed by the “LanguageCollectionList”.

If you look through the code, basically the Views are bound to events on ‘“languages”)’ which is a LanguageList object.

The other thing to note is that Language.destroy() function is updated to not make an AJAX DELETE call but instead trigger a save on the collection.

Also, LanguageCollection.parse() is defined as an empty function because ‘“languages”)’ needs to remain a Backbone object and not be converted into the regular JSON which would come back from the server. The caveat here is that if you need to set an ID after a POST, you’ll need to update parse() to process the JSON and then update the corresponding models within the collection.

Anyway, I’m still a Backbone novice so any input or insight is more than welcome. I’d also love to know if theres a more straightforward way to address this. A couple of posts mentioned overriding Backbone.sync but that wasn’t feasible for me because I had other Backbone models on the page which needed to update using the regular REST pattern.

Update 7/20/2012

As pointed out by Aria below, it’s actually possible to override the “sync” method per model to achieve this JSON over REST behavior. Overall, its probably a cleaner solution since it avoids introducing the complexity of collections contained in models simply to get the JSON over REST behavior.

Here’s an example implementation of a sync function that produces the desired results:

NOTE: Almost all of that code is copied directly out of Backbone.js, the exception is the following block which collects up all the models in the current model’s collection and then adds it into the “data” field:

Happy Backbone’ing!

Toggle non-consecutive checkboxes with jQuery UI

You’re all probably familiar with the UI convention of allowing users to select ALL or NONE for a list of checkboxes (like in Gmail). Recently I was working on a project that had a large table full of checkboxes (imagine a 10×10 grid) where the user would need to toggle some but not all of the checkboxes in a given row. And to make matters more complex, they would need to toggle groups of non-consecutive checkboxes (say 15, skip 10, 5, etc.). I threw on the thinking cap but couldn’t think of any similar interactions I’d seen and couldn’t think of a particularly good way to achieve this.

Enter jQuery UI. I happened to stumble across the jQuery UI Selectable documentation and realized it would provide a good UI experience to toggle some but not all of the checkboxes. The code to implement this is surprisingly simple:

Note: You don’t actually need the div container – that was just for JSFiddle.

And then the Javascript (jQuery + jQuery UI):

You can check out a live demo at

As always, questions and comments are welcome!