FOSS Fridays: OpenSSL in PHP

Well Twitter has “Follow Fridays” so I thought we should do FOSS Fridays. I don’t really have a plan for this and it might not last but let’s see where it goes.

In the last few days a couple of people have asked for tips on how to use OpenSSL from PHP. So here is a snippet on how to do it. This comes out of an application that provides a shared authentication system between our client’s LDAP system and their partner’s systems.

It works like so:

  1. Users login to the application using their LDAP credentials.
  2. When the users request to visit the partner site, our system packages up their login information, encrypts it, signs it, and shoots it along with the user to the partner site.
  3. Next, the partner checks if the user has an account and if they do it logs them in. Otherwise, it creates them a new account and logs them in.

All of this is done transparently so that the user doesn’t know they’ve actually left the original site.

Here is the code to do it. PS. it’s from a Symfony application.

The net result of all of this is an encrypted payload with the user’s credentials and a signature of the payload. The payload is encrypted with “their” public key and then signed with “our” private key. This ensures that only they can open the package and only we can generate valid signatures.

Happy Friday!

Monkeys and shakespeare: genetic algorithms with Jenes

The other night at a bar, we started talking about evolution which somehow sparked a discussion about the law of large numbers and the probability that humanity is just a cosmic fluke. Eventually, someone brought up the “monkeys on a typewriter” argument which caused uproar among the philosophers in the group.

This morning, I decided to see what Wikipedia had to say about monkeys and typewriters and eventually stumbled across an article about the “Weasel program” which Richard Dawkins wrote to demonstrate “random variation and non-random cumulative selection in natural and artificial evolutionary systems.” Basically, it simulates the monkeys on a typewriter to produce a line from Hamlet. At this point, I was hooked – I wanted to make one.

I’d experimented with genetic algorithms in a class I took at Tufts and I’ve been increasingly curious since the “evolving Mona Lisa” code got out on the web.

Anyway, I decided to use the Jenes library to whip up some code to “evolve” strings. The Jenes library is absolutely fantastic. It is easy to setup, easy to use, and the documentation is well written and easy to follow.

My implementation is online at:

And it evolves Dawkin’s Hamlet line in about 3 seconds – link

The code to run the genetic algorithms is written in Java and uses a Jetty container to accept and processes HTTP requests. Using an embedded Jetty container proved to be seamless and the application server seems to running pretty smoothly.

A zip file containing an Eclipse project for the code is available here.

Additionally, a self contained JAR for the server is available here . Start it with java -jar wordga-jetty.jar

As always, questions and comments are welcome.

Playing with appjet

The other day one of my friends jokingly mentioned that he thought strippers were being “marginalized” as profession. I thought this was funny, so I leveraged the powers of the internet to prove to him that in fact strippers are less marginalized then say podiatrists.


Anyway, with all of the hub-dub about Javascript being the next “big thing” I decided to give appjet a whirl. Appjet allows developers to develop and deploy server side Javascript applications. Additionally, appjet recently released “appjet in a jar” which lets users deploy the appjet platform on a different server.

Getting the appjet platform up and running was really simple. I already had Java 6 installed on one of our servers so all I had to do was download the appjet jar and fire it up with “java -jar appjet.jar”

In general, getting things moving was pretty easy with appjet. It also just “feels” natural to write Javascript for the client and the server. Switching between client and server is done with a comment directive:

/* appjet:client */
/* appjet:server */

appjet also provides a special directive for CSS styles:

/* appjet:css */

The other feature I really liked about appjet is its support for printing HTML elements. Appjet comes with a tag library that makes creating HTML tags particularly simple. The syntax looks something like this:


FORM({action:"/", method:"get", onsubmit: "javascript: return submitJob()"},
SPAN({id: "job-label"}, "Job Title: "),
INPUT({text:"text", name:"jobField", id: "jobField"}),
INPUT({type:"hidden", name:"isPost", id: "isPost", value: "1"}),
INPUT({type: "submit", value: "Submit"})

And boom you have a XHTML compliant form.

The other neat feature, (from the appjet docs) is that “You can also treat a tag like a JavaScript array (it has all the same methods) and add to it programmatically.” so something like this works:

var list = UL();

list.push(LI("One item"));
list.push(LI("Two item"));

function(color) {
list.push(LI(color+" item"));

printp("The following "+list.length+" items may be of interest.");

I was also really impressed with the appjet persistent storage system. The platform lets you persist arbitrary Javascript objects in “collections” that can then be iterated, filtered, and sorted. On I have about 800 elements loaded up and it seems to perform reasonably well.

The one issue I have with the storage library is that there isn’t any way to just load a bunch of data into the system. You can only load data from inside an appjet script file. The problem I ran into is that I hit the Java 64kb file size limit pretty quickly. It would be really awesome if the JAR had some functionality to load up say a file full of JSON objects.

All and all, using appjet has been a positive experience. It was really easy and fun to build an “easy” app using it. I’d really like to know some more about how appjet is put together but the documentation is sparse. The only information I could find was the logos on the download page. They suggest that appjet is composed off AppJet, Rhino, Jetty and of course Java. I’d be interested to know if there are any plans to expose JVM libraries to appjet code. It seems like this would allow the platform to quickly gain extensive library support – including the JDBC.

Anyway, the site uses “advanced” algorithms to determine how marginalized your career is. It just counts the number of results on Yahoo BOSS for the job you enter and compares it to a set of about 800 saved jobs.

You can download the source code here.

Timelapse Twitter+Election map

This is an update to our Twitter+Election ’08 mashup that was over at Setfive Election HQ

Well as everyone saw last Tuesday night, Obama won the election by a pretty significant margin and has all ready taken steps to announce his transition agenda.

Anyway, at the end of our run, we captured 11021 tweets with the breakdown being 2501 for McCain and 8520 for Obama. Since we had been generating maps all day we decided to take snapshots at 5 minute intervals so that we could watch the progression of the map. The timelapse map is embedded below:

We hope everyone had a good election experiance – we had a lot of fun building this mashup. Now to find the next big thing…

Guestimating the election with twitter

We were sitting around tonight and decided to whip something together to leverage twitter to get some real time election information.

It is ugly and open to bias but we’re hopping it might show something interesting.

We’re also planning to take snapshots of the map and assemble a time lapse for Wednesday.

See the map live at:

Update at 4.40 EST:

So we’ve captured about 6000 tweets and the map is basically all blue. Just to clarify – we never intended this to be a serious vizualization or estimation of how the election is progressing. The project was soley meant to be a fun peak at how information spreads across Twitter.

Anyway, a couple of people have been asking about our methodoly so I’ll try and explain a bit.

We are using the Twitter Search API to run searches that we thought would indicate that someone just voted or intends to vote for either John McCain or Barrack Obama. Next, we apply some heuristics to the tweets to make sure they really are “just voted” tweets. If the tweet passes through the heuristics we record it for whichever candidate and then record the “from_user_id” to ensure a single user can’t blow up the vote totals.

In order to geolocate a user we are using the twittervision API I get the impression that the twittervision API just scrapes user profiles but I can’t verify this. We probably could have avoided using their API and just scraped ourselves but one less thing to deal with at 4am is always good.

The graph colors are calculated by taking the larger vote total (red vs blue) and then determining in percent, how much larger this is than the total number of votes for that state:


Anyway, there are defitley other entertaining things to do with twitter – we just haven’t thought of them yet. – Ashish