AngularJS: onLoad from an iframe directive

A couple of days ago in my journey down the AngularJS rabbit hole I ran into an interesting issue. If you have a directive that’s dynamically adding an iframe tag how can you set an onLoad handler on the iframe with access to the directive’s $scope?

Interestingly, the top StackOverflow answer on Google recommends adding a function to the window object and then setting the onLoad attribute to that function. Although it works, this approach is decidedly not “the Angular way” and would definitely become unwieldy with more than one iframe on the page. I poked around a bit and turns out there’s a better way to do this. The “trick” is that it’s possible to access a directive’s $scope from inside its link function so you can set onLoad on the iframe element from there. This post provides an overview but it’s a bit light on details so here’s a concrete example.