FOSS Fridays: sfSCMIgnoresTaskPlugin version 1.0.3 released – Doctrine Supported

In the past we have always used Propel as our main ORM for our Symfony projects. Recently with Doctrine becoming the default ORM for Symfony 1.3 we decided we should make sure our plugin supports Doctrine. For those who don’t know about the plugin, it automatically creates ignores for your Source Code Management(SCM) if you use Git or CVS. When you have a large project it gets tiring to create all the different ignores for all the bases, logs, configuration files and such.

Let us know if you find any problems with Doctrine support or have any additional suggestions for the plugin.

More information on the plugin can be found on the Symfony Plugins site:

You can download the most recent pear package manually at:

or you can install it via:

./symfony plugin:install sfSCMIgnoresTaskPlugin