Phonegap: Fixing black bars on iOS7/iPhone5

Last week, we were using Phonegap Build to build an iOS IPA for a project an ran into an odd issue. When we launched the app on an iPhone 5 running iOS7 black bars appeared at the top and bottom of the screen. On top of that, when launching the app we were observing the same issue with the splash screen.

In typical Phonegap fashion, Googling for people suffering from similar issues brought back dozens of results across several versions each with a different root cause and solution. One of the first promising leads we noticed was this comment in the top of the default Phonegap template:

Unfortunately, that comment seems either be invalid or the issue has since been resolved since removing those meta attributes had no effect.

As it turns out, the issue is that the “config.xml” file created by the default Phonegap “Hello world” project is missing an entry for the iPhone5’s screen size. Oddly enough, there’s actually a splash screen image of the correct height in the demo project but its not referenced in the config file. To resolve this issue, you just need to add this line to your config.xml:

Just make sure that you have a file named “res/screen/ios/screen-iphone-portrait-568h-2x.png” where the rest of your splash screens are and you should be good to go.