sfWidgetjQueryTimepickr – Symfony timepickr widget

A couple of months ago John Resig posted on his blog about a “new” way for users to pick time.

The component is a jQuery plugin called timepickr and I thought it was particularly neat. Anyway, I finally needed to write a form which had a time component so I figured I’d drop in the timepickr jQuery plugin.

It didn’t look like there was a Symfony Forms widget for it so I whipped one up. You can grab it here.

The only issue with timepickr is that it introduces a ton of dependencies. It requires jQuery, jQuery-ui, jQuery.utils, jQuery.string, and ui.dropslide. Additionally, it needs the dropslide css as well as the timepickr css.

The form widget assumes that you will include jquery-ui by yourself since everyone usually has different naming conventions. It will include the other JS files and CSS files for you.

You can download a package with all of the JS and CSS you need here. Again this DOES NOT include the jQuery-ui stuff. YOU have to include that yourself in your Symfony project as well as on the page that you deploy this widget.

To use it, just drop it in your Symfony project somewhere where classes get autoloaded (projectdir/lib works) and then instantiate a widget with new sfWidgetjQueryTimepickr() . It currently will support all of the timepickr options passed in as widget options (on the constructor). Full documentation for timepickr is here.

Have fun picking time.