Symfony2: Using FOSUserBundle with multiple EntityManagers

Last week, we were looking to setup one of our Symfony2 projects to use a master/slave MySQL configuration. We’d looked into using the MasterSlaveConnection Doctrine2 connection class, but unfortunately it doesn’t really work the way you’d expect. Anyway, the “next best” way to set up master/slave connections seemed to be creating two separate EntityManagers, one pointing at the master and one at the slave. Setting up the Doctrine configurations for this is pretty straightforward, you’ll end up with YAML that looks like:

At face value, it looked like everything was working fine but it turns out they weren’t – the FOSUserBundle entities weren’t getting properly setup on the slave connection. Turns out, because FOSUserBundle uses Doctrine2 superclasses to setup it’s fields there’s no way to natively use FOSUserBundle with multiple entity managers. The key issue is that since the UserProvider checks the class of a user being refreshed, you can’t just copy the FOSUserBundle fields directly into your entity:

So how do you get around this? Turns out, you need to add a custom UserProvider to bypass the instance class check. My UserProvider ended up looking like:

And then the additional YAML configurations you need are:

The last step is copying all the FOSUserBundle fields directly into your User entity and update it to not extend the FOSUserBundle base class. Anyway, that’s it – two EntityManagers and one FOSUserBundle.