PHP: Seven PHP developers you should be following on Twitter

A couple of days ago, a friend of mine looking to engage in the community asked me which experienced PHP developers he should follow on Twitter. An interesting question, and as I started looking through the @setfive follower list I realized we really don’t follow very many. Anyway, not wanting to leave him hanging, I put together a list of 5 developers that I thought were a good start.

This is obviously just a start, but I’d love everyone’s help to build out a list of solid PHP developers to follower on Twitter. If you leave them in the comments, we’ll pull together a single list and update this post once we have it!

Fabien Potencier

Co-founder and CEO for @SensioLabs, founder and project lead for @Symfony.
Tweeting from @fabpot and on the web at

Jonathan Wage

Husband to @meganswage and director of technology @OpenSky. @ServerGrove @Symfony @DoctrineORM
Tweeting from @jwage and on the web at

Kris Wallsmith

Lead architect & symfony guru at @opensky. lead dev on assetic, buzz, spork. father of 3, widower of 1.
Tweeting from @kriswallsmith and on the web at

Chris Corbyn

Nerd, englishman, chatterbox, cake-a-holic, celery hater, Italophile, nu-melbournite, SitePoint/Flippa code monkey. I’m also @cosadici.
Tweeting from @d11wtq and on the web at

Dustin Whittle

Technologist, Architect, Open Source Advocate
Tweeting from @dustinwhittle and on the web at

Dries Buytaert

Creator of Drupal, Drupal project lead, co-founder and CTO of Acquia, and Mollom spam fighter.
Tweeting from @Dries and on the web at

Lukas Smith

My twitter alter-ego is all about PHP and databases. My coding addiction is financed by @liip.
Tweeting from @liip and on the web at

Joseph Bielawski

Software Developer – #Symfony2 #PHP Polish Twitter Translator
Tweeting from @stloyd and on the web at

Robin Muilwijk

Board member, eZ Publish Community Project Board : Open Source Advocate : Community Management : Social Media : Civil Servant : Information / Data Engineer
Tweeting from @i_robin and on the web at

Anthony Ferrara

Anything Regarding Software Security, Performance, Quality and Architecture…
Tweeting from @ircmaxell and on the web at

Nikita Popov

18 year old student enjoying programming :)
Tweeting from @nikita_ppv and on the web at

Igor Wiedler

Tweeting from @igorwesome and on the web at

Matthew Weier O’Phinney

PHP and ZF Developer; crazed father of two.
Tweeting from @mwop and on the web at

William Durand

Student by day, full stack developer by night. Open-Source evangelist all the time.
Tweeting from @couac and on the web at

Jordi Boggiano

Passionate web developer, specialized in web performance and php, #Composer lead, #Symfony2 developer. Partner at @nelmio, information junkie and speaker.
Tweeting from @seldaek and on the web at

Giorgio Sironi

Developer at @Onebip. I search for the harmony between form and context. Software, science, economics.
Tweeting from @giorgiosironi and on the web at